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Curators: Arianna Rinaldo

Exhibition: Besòs A Noble Ecosystem, Contemporary Art Center, Barcelona. 

Supported by: Fabra i Coats, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Distrito de Sant Andreu, Departamento Cultura Generalitat de Catalunya,ICUB,   Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) of UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). 




The workshop, The Besòs River: A  Layer of the City, was coordinated in collaboration with the second year students of Urbanism, from the Urban Planning Department of the School of Architecture of Barcelona who analyzed the urban environment of the Besòs river in detail, using a series of 6 maps at 1: 4000 scale

During the workshop, the students and Duae Collective guided the participants in a reinterpretation of these maps that aims to highlight the unique characteristics and role of the built environment, evaluating the residential fabric and industrial, structures and arrangements, open spaces and the road hierarchy and its infrastructure.


This contribution was intended to provide an understanding of the shape of this territory and to help establish intervention criteria to improve the quality of life in this urban environment. The result of the workshop was part of the exhibitions and the project.

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